Environmental awareness supports sustainability
The key to sustainability, which concerns both people and the environment around us, is the richness of the communities that support people’s natural functioning in harmony with nature. To ensure such richness of life, environmental awareness of how our decisions affect our living environment and nature is necessary. Good environmental awareness supports reaching wise decisions in every domain.

Environmental Awareness - a Broader Horizon for Making Informed Decisions
CESERE Centre for Environmental Awareness and Nature Education offers information, training, seminars and workshops for different target groups – enterprises, communities, educational institutions and individuals.
We offer the following activities:
- customized environmental awareness seminars for institutions and companies – integrated with solving practical tasks and the natural environment;
- nature education study programs for schools;
- everyday activities with nature and forests through hobby school and participation in hobby groups;
- practical experiential and environmental awareness activities in nature and forest.

Nature and forest close to home - the key to creating a personal connection with the environment
A personal relationship with nature begins with immediate contact and everyday practical activities. What to do about it?
- to look for the valuable around us
- share this information with others
- keep and protect what you find
The local forest around our homes has several roles: a buffer zone, a recreation area, an outdoor learning area, a good place to discover nature, the local forest can contain a great richness of life to learn about and protect, and the local forest increases the sense of home.
Nature learning trails are suitable for getting to know and introducing the nature close to home, which can be done in a variety of ways both in nature and in the online world.

Customized environmental awareness seminars for institutions and companies
Our environmental awareness seminars are aimed at various institutions and companies. We adapt each seminar, course or workshop to a specific problem related to the topic of this company or organization.
We combine our training (indoors if necessary) with outdoor learning and solving practical tasks. According to the client’s request, we offer training with a practical stay in a natural environment that corresponds to the topic of the training and the problem being addressed. We find that connecting learning with different senses and hands-on activities helps consolidate what has been learned and connect it with pleasant emotions and experiences.

Ask us for training or additional information – we will find a good solution on the topic! E-mail cesere@cesere.eu, phone +372 5918 9000.